photo:Takashi Kubo
Observation of Light
Various slide projectors
Because of the mechanism of the slide projector, which rotates without a starting or ending point, when Shusuke uses slide projector, he often work with the theme around time.
In “Observation of Light,” a group of individual works including “Variations in Time,” “A Town in a Photo Store,” “Sound in the Distance,” “Mysterious Sphere / Alien or Native,” and “When the Shutter Closes” which Shusuke uses slide projector appeared as a single installation. The light source of the projectors itself is used as a medium, and the individual works come together to appear as a single installation. The light of the various works, which were created at different times and in different places, is reinterpreted as a starry sky shining on various time axes.
スライド映写機の始点も終点もなく回転しつづけるその機構、西松のスライド映写機を用いた作品群は時間をテーマにしたものが多い。本作『Observation of Light / 光の観測』は過去に制作されたスライド映写機を用いた作品たち『Variations in Time』『写真店の中のまち』『遠くの方で音がする』『Mysterious Sphere / Alien or Native』『シャッターが閉じた時』を投影する、その映写機自体の光源がメディウムとして使用され、個々の作品たちが群となり、ひとつのインスタレーションとして現れる。