photo 1,2 : Tadasu Yamamoto

Fisherman’s Sequence / 漁師のシーケンス
8 mm film projection, sound, photos, rope, glass case

In 2018 for an art festival at Tsushima island in Japan, I stayed in Naiin village for a month. Small village between mountains and the sea, most of the people who live there are working as fishermen.

On the ship to the Tsushima island, I saw a poster which showed how to tie lines with the fisherman’s technique. When I imagined a fisherman tying one to the other continuously, I felt it is similar to editing films which I usually do for my practice, connecting frame to frame to make a sequence and a storyline.

In Naiin I asked a fisherman to connect all the lines which I found on the shore while I interviewed him about his memory as a fisherman, his experience, life and history. The line which was created through connecting multiple small lines during his talk about his memories can be understood as a fisherman’s sequence.

Fisherman’s Sequence / 漁師のシーケンス
8mm フィルム, モノサウンド, 写真, ロープ, etc


たしかに対馬に向かう船の上、漁師の様々な紐の結び方が印刷され たポスターを見た。紐と紐を結んだり、紐で船と岸を結んだり、ブ イを結んだりする、漁師のロープワーク。漁師の方が紐と紐を結ぶ、 その姿を想像したら、なんかアナログフィルムの編集をしている人 のように思えた。私は作品作りで映像を使うことがある。カメラで 撮ったものをコンピューター上で切ったり貼ったりして、一つの映像を作る。
