Mosquito, Text

Going somewhere with an airplane. I usually go too early, I have to wait at waiting room after the duty-free area. I often read a book, listening music or think something while I am waiting, Waiting something or having a time, is good moment to think. For example “Waiting room at Airport”, Being here means going somewhere. The Waiting room, no choice for going back and staying. The place contains here and there. Those things I often think there. At that time, I was at transit somewhere southern airport, as usual, I had some time left. I was sitting on a chair at the waiting room.

Then a mosquito came on my arm. I snapped my arm with reflect, and I caught it. A mosquito that lived at waiting room, the place of here and there. I looked around the waiting room. There were many people of various races. This mosquito must be a creature that has lived with the blood of various races.

If the earth with this globalism still exists in the future around few decades century away, probably the blood which this mosquito mixed can be the same. I think this mosquito is an apt symbol of the hyper global existence. Yet, if I considered another perspective, I was remembering the time when SARS international disease occurred, many people with white uniform were trying to kill all the mosquito which exist in airport. Because it can become a dangerous vehicle for transmitting disease from human to human. The creature that kills humankind most is human beings. But the next creature is mosquitoes.

I thought this mosquito is probably the most modern creature that lived in the most modern places. I gently put it between pages of the book I was reading to preserve its important presence.

蚊, テキスト



もし数十世紀先にも私たちが知っている世界が存在していたら存在する血の混ざり方が、この蚊にはあったのかも しれない。 超グローバルな存在としての一匹の生物。そんな風に思ったりさえした。でも少し冷静になって考えてみると、この蚊はとても危険な生物なのかもしれないと思った。私は子供の頃にみた SARSが流行った時の事を思い出していた。大人たちが空港に存在する蚊を、滅殺する映像。国際病が発生した時 に、ウイルスを伝染する媒介になる危険な存在。たしか人類をもっとも殺した生物は、人だ。でもその次に多い生 物が蚊だ。
