Yorunohito Hirunohito
4K-Video, Stereo Sound, Wash basin, Light

This work was inspired with Beppu Onsen where Shusuke currently based. In Beppu, there are many local hot springs, commonly known as Jimo-sen, which are public hot springs run by local people. Residents living nearby visit these hot springs on a daily basis. Many people who visit the hot springs every day have their own favorite hot springs and times when they usually go.
The video depicts the interactions between people who meet at their favorite hot springs at different times than usual.

4K-ビデオ, ステレオサウンド, 風呂桶、ランプ


映像作品と2つの風呂桶(昼白色・電球色 のLEDによって照らされている)によるイ ンスタレーション作品では、風呂桶の移 動が太陽と月に見立てられ、「昼の人」 と「夜の人」が温泉で出会うエピソードが 語られる。